Square foot gardening guide: how to grow more produce in less space • Sow Small Garden (2024)

Last Updated on October 18, 2023

Square foot gardening guide: how to grow more produce in less space • Sow Small Garden (1)

After reading this square foot gardening guide you will gain knowledge of what square foot gardening is about, andwill be able to create your own square foot garden following step-by-step instructions

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Let’s get started!

So, what is the square foot gardening method?

Short history of square foot gardening (SFG)

In 1980, Mel Bartholomew, a retired engineer and a newbie gardener, made an observation that just 20% of a traditional garden was dedicated to crops that were giving food, while the rest the space was taken by paths to walk between the rows. These paths had to be cultivated, so the weeds will not overgrow the plants. Also, the paths were watered and fertilized together with crops. In short, they were requiring resources, labour, and space while not giving anything in return.

This led Bartholomew to think of liquidating paths between rows, and sowing crops in a more efficient manner, so it can bring more food in smaller space with less required work.

As a result, asquare foot gardening method was created byMel which he described in his two booksSquare Foot Gardening(2005) andAll New Square Foot Gardening(2013). If you’re going to get a book – buy the newer one.

Square foot gardening guide: how to grow more produce in less space • Sow Small Garden (2)

All new Square Foot Gardeningbook

What does a square foot garden look like?

Based on New Square Foot Gardening book, a square foot garden is essentially a 4 feet x 4 feet raised garden bed that holds special growing medium mix to a depths of 6″.

The area in a garden bed is divided by a grid in 1 foot x 1 foot squares.

Each square has different plants sown (or transplanted) in it.

There can be 1, 4, 9, or 16 plants depending on their size in maturity in each square.

How is a square foot garden different from a traditional garden?

  • plants grow in 1′ x 1′ square blocks, instead of rows
  • you never walk on the soil
  • the soil used in a bed is a mixture of vermiculite, peat moss, and compost.

What are the benefits of square foot gardening?

Because a square foot garden is built in a way that you never need to walk on soil, the only soil that needs to be cultivated, fertilized, and watered is the soil where plants grow, not in-between the rows.

This makes gardening more efficient.

According toSquare Foot Gardening Foundation

the Square Foot Gardening method is estimated to

cost 50% less,

uses 20% less space,

10% of the water,

and only 2% of the work

compared to single row gardening.

Additional benefits are: virtually no weeds, no digging or rototilling, and no heavy tools are necessary.

The other advantages of square foot gardening:

  • crop rotation can be done by squares, instead of location
  • easy to implement succession planting ensures multiple harvests in small space
  • trellis can be added to squares to grow plants vertically (peas, asparagus beans, cucumbers)
  • makes gardening for seniors easier and more enjoyable.
Square foot gardening guide: how to grow more produce in less space • Sow Small Garden (3)

Planning and prepping a square foot garden

To plan an efficient square foot garden you’ll need:

  • think of the space where your garden will go and how large will it be
  • get supplies for creating a garden bed with a grid
  • decide what to plant, how many and when.

1. Where will your garden go and how big should it be?

Choose your garden size depending on the available space and your needs, as well as the time you can dedicate to gardening.

The site where your garden will go should receive 6-8 hours of sun per day and have good drainage.

You can set it on grass or a paved area (on a patio or driveway).

The garden bed can be 4’x’4. 4’x6′ 4’x8′ or even 2’x2′ if available space is really tiny.

You should be able to reach your plants freely to tend your garden and divide it in 1×1 squares.

2. Get a garden bed ready

In essence, the square foot garden is a raised garden bed with a 1 foot square grid on top of it.

You canbuild a 4’x4′ box by yourself from untreated wood boards (cedar, pine) connected byraised garden corner brackets, cinder blocks, or bricks.

The box should be 7″ tall to accommodate 6 inches of growing medium or 12″ tall if you plan on planting rooted vegetables.

To make it easy on yourself, you can get a 4×4 Garden Bed with Grow Grid.

You can choose between two heights – 7 “ or 11 inches. If you plan to plant shallow-rooted crops like lettuce, and herbs – a 7” high garden bed will be sufficient. If you want to grow root vegetables – beets, carrots, potatoes – choose 11” height.

Square foot gardening guide: how to grow more produce in less space • Sow Small Garden (4)

4×4 Garden Bed with Grow Grid

3. Place weed barrier

Line the bottom of the garden bed withweed-proof fabric.

Or you can place heavy cardboard which will suppress weeds and disintegrates over time.

4. AddMel’s Mix™ or equivalent

Mel’s Mix™is a growing medium specially created by Mel Bartholomew. It should be 6″ high for growing most vegetables, or 11″ high if you are growing rooted vegetables.

To create an equivalent resemblingMel’s Mix™, follow this recipe:

5. Divide garden bed area by 1′ x 1′ grid

The grid lets you clearly see how to space your seeds or plants. It also makes your garden look neat and organized.

You can make your own grid from 1″ wide planks from a hardware store or by using twine (see instructions in a “useful tip” box below).

Alternatively, you can purchase a ready madegarden bed with square foot grid.

Another interesting idea is to useGarden PODS gridwhich is made of a food-grade high-density polyethylene (HDPE).

The manufacturer states that having full separation allows you to have different growing conditions (for example – different soil, pH) that will suit the needs of different plants all in one bed.

Square foot gardening guide: how to grow more produce in less space • Sow Small Garden (5)

GardenPODS grid for garden beds

Useful Tip

How toconvert any raised bed to a square foot garden

If you already have a raised bed or large rectangular or square planter, it is quite easy to adapt it to square garden.

1. Takeround head wood screws(the chosen screws’ length will depend on the thickness of your raised bed board.

2. Screw them on the sides of raised garden bed board at a distance of 1 foot from each other starting from the edge.

Do not sink the screws into the boards fully. Leave ⅛ of distance.

3. Usegarden twinetied around screws’ heads to make a square grid.

6. Use vertical space

Consider addingtrellisto the north side of squares (in order not to block the sun). This way you can grow peas, melons, pole beans or asparagus beans.

Planting a square foot garden

Each square in square foot garden holds different crops.

There can be 1, 4, 9, or 16 seeds or seedlings planted in each square.

Square foot garden spacing:how many plants can you plant in a square foot garden?

Square foot garden spacing guide

You can plant in 1’x1′ square:

1 potato, tomato, pepper, eggplant, cabbage, broccoli,kale, cauliflower, melon (on trellis) cucumber (on trellis) summer squash (on trellis)

4 leaf lettuce, chard, kohlrabi, basil, parsley, strawberries (cut the runners when they appear), sorrel,endive, radicchio, celery

9 beets, turnips, bulb onion, garlic, spinach, arugula, dill, cilantro, chives, peas, bok choy

16 carrots, radishes, green onions, mesclun mix

How to calculate how many seeds to plant in one square

If you do not see a crop in the above list, look at seed package of the plant you want to grow.

Usually on the package you will find information about row and seed spacing.

Ignore information about row spacing and note the guidance for seed spacing.

For example, it is written on the package – 3” for seed spacing. Since each square is 12’’ long, 12″/3″= 4 seeds, and because the square is 12” wide 12″/3″= 4 seeds. 4×4=16 (4 seeds long by 4 seeds wide). This means that you can plant 16 seeds in one square if the indicated seed spacing is 3’’.

If the plant requires more than 12″ of seed spacing, you’ll just plant one plant in the center of the square.

Seeding Square – a square garden sowing helper

To make sowing seeds in square foot garden easier, useSeeding Square– a color coded seed spacer.

The package includes Spacing Square with color-coded holes, seed dibbler with depth marking, seed spoon, funnel, and a color-coded template which contains information about the spacing of different plants.

This gadget ensures that you sow seeds at just the right distance.

All that you need to do is press the seed square into the soil, poke the color coded holes that match the code of the plant you are sowing, and plant your seeds.

Square foot gardening guide: how to grow more produce in less space • Sow Small Garden (6)

Seeding Square

Related reading:

  • 5 easiest and fastest growing vegetables to plant in spring for early harvest
  • 3 must-have medicinal plants for your garden

Square Foot Garden succession planting: multiple harvests in small space

It is easy to utilize succession planting with square foot garden.

For example, you like lots of lettuce, green onion, and radishes for steady salad supply from early spring to early summer. Use 4 squares for each crop and sow lettuce and radish seeds/plant onion sets each week in the next square. This way your crop will mature at different times.

After you harvest lettuce/radish/green onion, you can plant tomato, eggplant, or pepper plants in the square. And after you harvested tomatoes and peppers in the late summer – plant lettuce-radishes-green onions again to harvest them in early autumn. See?🙂

Related reading:

  • Guide to gardening for beginners: 20 key steps
  • A container garden for small spaces
  • A kitchen garden (potager)
  • 11 practical tips on planning a small garden
  • Read more on what kind ofsmall garden you can start
  • How to Make Soil Fertile Naturally
  • How to Keep Bugs from Eating Plants
  • Essential Gardening Tools and Their Uses
  • Non- toxic Garden Hose: which one to choose?
  • Organic Pesticides: which one to choose?
Square foot gardening guide: how to grow more produce in less space • Sow Small Garden (7)

Final thoughts on square foot gardening

If you are a beginner gardener or have limited space for a garden, try square foot gardening by following this step-by-step square foot gardening guide. Square foot gardening willsave you time, resources, and effort and result in a larger harvest from a small space which will bring a higher level of satisfaction to your gardening endeavor.

Happy gardening!👩🏽‍🌾

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You have read:

Square Foot Gardening (Complete Guide)

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information on various topics, including square foot gardening. I can provide you with a comprehensive overview of the concepts mentioned in this article. Here's the information related to each concept:

Short history of square foot gardening (SFG)

Square foot gardening was developed by Mel Bartholomew, a retired engineer and gardener, in 1980. Bartholomew observed that traditional gardens often had a significant portion of their space dedicated to paths between rows, which required resources and maintenance without providing any food. To make gardening more efficient, Bartholomew eliminated the paths and developed the square foot gardening method, which maximizes food production in a smaller space [[1]].

What does a square foot garden look like?

A square foot garden is essentially a raised garden bed that measures 4 feet by 4 feet. The bed is divided into a grid of 1-foot by 1-foot squares, creating separate planting areas. Each square can accommodate different plants, with the number of plants per square depending on their size at maturity [[2]].

How is a square foot garden different from a traditional garden?

Square foot gardening differs from traditional gardening in several ways:

  • Plants are grown in 1-foot by 1-foot square blocks instead of rows.
  • Gardeners never walk on the soil, which reduces soil compaction.
  • The soil used in a square foot garden is a specific mixture of vermiculite, peat moss, and compost, known as Mel's Mix™ or an equivalent [[2]].

The other advantages of square foot gardening:

Square foot gardening offers several benefits:

  • It requires less space compared to traditional gardening, utilizing only 20% of the space while producing the same amount of food.
  • It reduces the amount of water needed by 10% and the amount of work required by 2% compared to single row gardening.
  • Square foot gardening minimizes weed growth, eliminates the need for digging or rototilling, and makes crop rotation easier.
  • The method allows for vertical gardening, utilizing trellises to grow plants such as peas, beans, and cucumbers.
  • Square foot gardening is also suitable for seniors, as it reduces the physical strain associated with traditional gardening [[2]].

Planning and prepping a square foot garden:

To plan and prepare a square foot garden, you should consider the following steps:

  1. Where will your garden go and how big should it be? Choose a location that receives 6-8 hours of sunlight per day and has good drainage. The garden bed can be 4'x4', 4'x6', 4'x8', or even 2'x2' if space is limited. Ensure you can easily reach all the plants in the garden bed [[3]].

  2. Get a garden bed ready: Build a raised garden bed using untreated wood boards, raised garden corner brackets, cinder blocks, or bricks. The bed should be 7" tall to accommodate 6 inches of growing medium or 12" tall for rooted vegetables. Alternatively, you can purchase a ready-made garden bed [[4]].

  3. Place a weed barrier: Line the bottom of the garden bed with weed-proof fabric or heavy cardboard to suppress weed growth [[5]].

  4. Add Mel's Mix™ or equivalent: Fill the garden bed with Mel's Mix™, a growing medium specially created by Mel Bartholomew. The mix consists of vermiculite, peat moss (or coconut coir), and blended organic compost. Alternatively, you can create your own mix using these components [[6]].

  5. Divide the garden bed area by a 1'x1' grid: Create a grid using 1" wide planks, twine, or purchase a ready-made garden bed with a square foot grid. The grid helps with spacing and organization [[7]].

  6. Use vertical space: Consider adding trellises to the north side of squares to grow plants vertically, such as peas, melons, pole beans, or asparagus beans [[8]].

Planting a square foot garden:

In a square foot garden, each square can accommodate a different number of plants based on their size at maturity. Here are some guidelines for square foot garden spacing:

  • 1'x1' square: 1 potato, tomato, pepper, eggplant, cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, melon (on trellis), cucumber (on trellis), summer squash (on trellis) [[9]].
  • 1'x1' square: 4 leaf lettuce, chard, kohlrabi, basil, parsley, strawberries (cut the runners when they appear), sorrel, endive, radicchio, celery [[9]].
  • 1'x1' square: 9 beets, turnips, bulb onion, garlic, spinach, arugula, dill, cilantro, chives, peas, bok choy [[9]].
  • 1'x1' square: 16 carrots, radishes, green onions, mesclun mix [[9]].

To determine the number of seeds to plant in each square, refer to the seed package instructions for seed spacing. For example, if the seed spacing is 3", you can plant 4 seeds per square (4 seeds long by 4 seeds wide) [[10]]. Alternatively, you can use tools like the Seeding Square, a color-coded seed spacer, to ensure proper seed placement [[11]].

Square Foot Garden succession planting:

Succession planting is easily implemented in a square foot garden. For example, you can sow lettuce, green onions, and radishes in separate squares each week to ensure a continuous supply of these crops. After harvesting, you can plant other crops like tomatoes or peppers in the same squares. This allows for multiple harvests in a small space [[12]].

I hope this information helps you understand the concepts mentioned in the article. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Square foot gardening guide: how to grow more produce in less space • Sow Small Garden (2024)
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