Fabric Installer 0.11.2 (2024)

Fabric Installer 0.11.2 (1)

Welcome to the Chocolatey Community Package Repository! The packages found in this section of the site are provided, maintained, and moderated by the community.


Every version of each package undergoes a rigorous moderation process before it goes live that typically includes:

  • Security, consistency, and quality checking
  • Installation testing
  • Virus checking through VirusTotal
  • Human moderators who give final review and sign off

More detail at Security and Moderation.

Organizational Use

If you are an organization using Chocolatey, we want your experience to be fully reliable. Due to the nature of this publicly offered repository, reliability cannot be guaranteed. Packages offered here are subject to distribution rights, which means they may need to reach out further to the internet to the official locations to download files at runtime.

Fortunately, distribution rights do not apply for internal use. With any edition of Chocolatey (including the free open source edition), you can host your own packages and cache or internalize existing community packages.


Your use of the packages on this site means you understand they are not supported or guaranteed in any way. Learn more...

  • STEP1Package Review
  • STEP2Integration Method
  • STEP3Internal Repo Url
  • STEP4Environment Setup
  • STEP5Install Script

Step 1: Review Your Packages

Step 2: Choose Your Integration Method

  • Generic
  • Individual
  • Ansible
  • PS DSC

Step 3: Enter Your Internal Repository Url

(this should look similar to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/)

Step 3: Copy Your Script or Download Config

Option 1: Copy Script

Option 2: Download Config

Step 4: Setup Your Environment

1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment

Please see the organizational deployment guide

2. Get the package into your environment

Option 1: Cached Package (Unreliable, Requires Internet - Same As Community)

  • Open Source or Commercial:
    • Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/. Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
    • You can also just download the packages and push them to a repository

      Download Packages

Option 2: Internalized Package (Reliable, Scalable)

  • Open Source
    • Download the packages:

      Download Packages
    • Follow manual internalization instructions
  • Package Internalizer (C4B)
    • Run: (additional options)
    • For package and dependencies run:
    • Automate package internalization

Step 5: Copy Your Script

See options you can pass to upgrade.

See best practices for scripting.

Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.

If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:

If Applicable - Chocolatey Configuration/Installation

## 1. REQUIREMENTS ##### Here are the requirements necessary to ensure this is successful.### a. Internal/Private Cloud Repository Set Up ####### You'll need an internal/private cloud repository you can use. These are#### generally really quick to set up and there are quite a few options.#### Chocolatey Software recommends Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or ProGet as they#### are repository servers and will give you the ability to manage multiple#### repositories and types from one server installation.### b. Download Chocolatey Package and Put on Internal Repository ####### You need to have downloaded the Chocolatey package as well.#### Please see https://chocolatey.org/install#organization### c. Other Requirements ####### We initialize a few things that are needed by this script - there are no other requirements.$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"#### Set TLS 1.2 (3072) as that is the minimum required by various up-to-date repositories.#### Use integers because the enumeration value for TLS 1.2 won't exist#### in .NET 4.0, even though they are addressable if .NET 4.5+ is#### installed (.NET 4.5 is an in-place upgrade).[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072#### We use this variable for future REST calls.$RequestArguments = @{ UseBasicParsing = $true}## 2. TOP LEVEL VARIABLES ##### a. Your internal repository url (the main one). ####### Should be similar to what you see when you browse#### to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/$NugetRepositoryUrl = "INTERNAL REPO URL"### b. Internal Repository Credential ####### If required, add the repository access credential here# $NugetRepositoryCredential = [PSCredential]::new(# "username",# ("password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)# )# $RequestArguments.Credential = $NugetRepositoryCredential### c. Chocolatey nupkg download url ####### This url should result in an immediate download when you navigate to it$ChocolateyDownloadUrl = "$($NugetRepositoryUrl.TrimEnd('/'))/package/chocolatey.2.2.2.nupkg"### d. Chocolatey Central Management (CCM) ####### If using CCM to manage Chocolatey, add the following:#### i. Endpoint URL for CCM# $ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl = "https://chocolatey-central-management:24020/ChocolateyManagementService"#### ii. If using a Client Salt, add it here# $ChocolateyCentralManagementClientSalt = "clientsalt"#### iii. If using a Service Salt, add it here# $ChocolateyCentralManagementServiceSalt = "servicesalt"## 3. ENSURE CHOCOLATEY IS INSTALLED ##### Ensure Chocolatey is installed from your internal repository#### Download the Nupkg, appending .zip to the filename to handle archive cmdlet limitationsif (-not (Get-Command choco.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $TempDirectory = Join-Path $env:Temp "chocolateyInstall" if (-not (Test-Path $TempDirectory -PathType Container)) { $null = New-Item -Path $TempDirectory -ItemType Directory } $DownloadedNupkg = Join-Path $TempDirectory "$(Split-Path $ChocolateyDownloadUrl -Leaf).zip" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ChocolateyDownloadUrl -OutFile $DownloadedNupkg @RequestArguments #### Extract the Nupkg, and run the chocolateyInstall script if (Get-Command Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive\Expand-Archive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive\Expand-Archive -Path $DownloadedNupkg -DestinationPath $TempDirectory -Force } else { # PowerShell versions <4.0 do not have this function available try { $shellApplication = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application $zipPackage = $shellApplication.NameSpace($DownloadedNupkg) $destinationFolder = $shellApplication.NameSpace($TempDirectory) $destinationFolder.CopyHere($zipPackage.Items(), 0x10) } catch { Write-Warning "Unable to unzip package using built-in compression." throw $_ } } & $(Join-Path $TempDirectory "tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1")}if (-not (Get-Command choco.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { refreshenv}## 4. CONFIGURE CHOCOLATEY BASELINE ##### a. FIPS Feature ####### If you need FIPS compliance - make this the first thing you configure#### before you do any additional configuration or package installations# choco feature enable -n useFipsCompliantChecksums### b. Apply Recommended Configuration ####### Move cache location so Chocolatey is very deterministic about#### cleaning up temporary data and the location is secured to adminschoco config set --name cacheLocation --value C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\cache#### Increase timeout to at least 4 hourschoco config set --name commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds --value 14400#### Turn off download progress when running choco through integrationschoco feature disable --name showDownloadProgress### c. Sources ####### Remove the default community package repository sourcechoco source list --limitoutput | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header 'Name', 'Location' -Delimiter '|' | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Location -eq 'https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/') { choco source remove -n $_.Name }}#### Add internal default sources#### You could have multiple sources here, so we will provide an example#### of one using the remote repo variable here#### NOTE: This EXAMPLE may require changesif ($NugetRepositoryCredential) { choco source add --name ChocolateyInternal --source $NugetRepositoryUrl --user $NugetRepositoryCredential.UserName --password $NugetRepositoryCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password --priority 1} else { choco source add --name ChocolateyInternal --source $NugetRepositoryUrl --priority 1}### b. Keep Chocolatey Up To Date ####### Keep chocolatey up to date based on your internal source#### You control the upgrades based on when you push an updated version#### to your internal repository.#### Note the source here is to the OData feed, similar to what you see#### when you browse to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/choco upgrade chocolatey --confirm## 5. ENSURE CHOCOLATEY FOR BUSINESS ##### If you don't have Chocolatey for Business (C4B), you'll want to remove from here down.### a. Ensure The License File Is Installed ####### Create a license package using script from https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/how-tos/setup-offline-installation#exercise-4-create-a-package-for-the-licensechoco install chocolatey-license --source $NugetRepositoryUrl --confirm### b. Disable The Licensed Source ####### The licensed source cannot be removed, so it must be disabled.#### This must occur after the license has been set by the license package.if ("chocolatey-license" -in (choco list --localonly --limitoutput | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header "Name" -Delimiter "|").Name) { choco source disable --name chocolatey.licensed} else { Write-Warning "Not disabling 'chocolatey.licensed' feed, as Chocolatey-License has not been installed."}### c. Ensure Chocolatey Licensed Extension ####### You will have downloaded the licensed extension to your internal repository#### as you have disabled the licensed repository in step 5b.#### Ensure the chocolatey.extension package (aka Chocolatey Licensed Extension)if ("chocolatey-license" -in (choco list --localonly --limitoutput | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header "Name" -Delimiter "|").Name) { choco install chocolatey.extension --source $NugetRepositoryUrl --confirm} else { Write-Warning "Not installing 'chocolatey.extension', as Chocolatey-License has not been installed."}#### The Chocolatey Licensed Extension unlocks all of the following, which also have configuration/feature items available with them. You may want to visit the feature pages to see what you might want to also enable:#### - Package Builder - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-builder#### - Package Internalizer - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-internalizer#### - Package Synchronization (3 components) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-synchronization#### - Package Reducer - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-reducer#### - Package Audit - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-audit#### - Package Throttle - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-throttle#### - CDN Cache Access - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/private-cdn#### - Branding - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/branding#### - Self-Service Anywhere (more components will need to be installed and additional configuration will need to be set) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/self-service-anywhere#### - Chocolatey Central Management (more components will need to be installed and additional configuration will need to be set) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/chocolatey-central-management#### - Other - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/### d. Ensure Self-Service Anywhere ####### If you have desktop clients where users are not administrators, you may#### to take advantage of deploying and configuring Self-Service anywherechoco feature disable --name showNonElevatedWarningschoco feature enable --name useBackgroundServicechoco feature enable --name useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnlychoco feature enable --name allowBackgroundServiceUninstallsFromUserInstallsOnlychoco config set --name allowedBackgroundServiceCommands --value "install,upgrade,uninstall"### e. Ensure Chocolatey Central Management ####### If you want to manage and report on endpoints, you can set up and configure### Central Management. There are multiple portions to manage, so you'll see### a section on agents here along with notes on how to configure the server### side components.if ($ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl) { choco install chocolatey-agent --source $NugetRepositoryUrl --confirm choco config set --name CentralManagementServiceUrl --value $ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl if ($ChocolateyCentralManagementClientSalt) { choco config set --name centralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword --value $ChocolateyCentralManagementClientSalt } if ($ChocolateyCentralManagementServiceSalt) { choco config set --name centralManagementServiceCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword --value $ChocolateyCentralManagementServiceSalt } choco feature enable --name useChocolateyCentralManagement choco feature enable --name useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments}

See docs at https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/win_chocolatey_module.html.

If Applicable - Chocolatey Configuration/Installation

## 1. REQUIREMENTS ##### Here are the requirements necessary to ensure this is successful.### a. Internal/Private Cloud Repository Set Up ####### You'll need an internal/private cloud repository you can use. These are#### generally really quick to set up and there are quite a few options.#### Chocolatey Software recommends Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or ProGet as they#### are repository servers and will give you the ability to manage multiple#### repositories and types from one server installation.### b. Download Chocolatey Package and Put on Internal Repository ####### You need to have downloaded the Chocolatey package as well.#### Please see https://chocolatey.org/install#organization### c. Other Requirements ####### i. chocolatey.chocolatey##### You will require the chocolatey.chocolatey collection to be installed##### on all machines using this playbook.##### Please see https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-ansible/#installing-the-collection-from-ansible-galaxy- name: Install and Configure Chocolatey hosts: all## 2. TOP LEVEL VARIABLES ## vars:### a. Your internal repository url (the main one). ####### Should be similar to what you see when you browse#### to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/ nuget_repository_url: INTERNAL REPO URL### b. Internal Repository Credential ####### If required, add the repository access credential here and#### uncomment lines with source_username and source_password below# nuget_repository_username: username# nuget_repository_password: password### c. Chocolatey Central Management (CCM) ####### If using CCM to manage Chocolatey, add the following:#### i. Endpoint URL for CCM# chocolatey_central_management_url: https://chocolatey-central-management:24020/ChocolateyManagementService#### ii. If using a Client Salt, add it here# chocolatey_central_management_client_salt: clientsalt#### iii. If using a Service Salt, add it here# chocolatey_central_management_service_salt: servicesalt## 3. ENSURE CHOCOLATEY IS INSTALLED ##### Ensure Chocolatey is installed from your internal repository tasks: - name: Install chocolatey win_chocolatey: name: chocolatey source: ""{{ nuget_repository_url }}"" # source_username: ""{{ nuget_repository_username }}"" # source_password: ""{{ nuget_repository_password }}""## 4. CONFIGURE CHOCOLATEY BASELINE ##### a. FIPS Feature ####### If you need FIPS compliance - make this the first thing you configure#### before you do any additional configuration or package installations# - name: Enable FIPS compliance# win_chocolatey_feature:# name: useFipsCompliantChecksums# state: enabled### b. Apply Recommended Configuration ####### Move cache location so Chocolatey is very deterministic about#### cleaning up temporary data and the location is secured to admins - name: Set the cache location win_chocolatey_config: name: cacheLocation state: present value: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\cache#### Increase timeout to at least 4 hours - name: Set the command execution timeout win_chocolatey_config: name: commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds state: present value: 14400#### Turn off download progress when running choco through integrations - name: Disable showing download progress win_chocolatey_feature: name: showDownloadProgress state: disabled### c. Sources ####### Remove the default community package repository source - name: Remove Chocolatey Community Repository win_chocolatey_source: name: chocolatey state: absent#### Add internal default sources#### You could have multiple sources here, so we will provide an example#### of one using the remote repo variable here#### NOTE: This EXAMPLE may require changes - name: Add Internal Repository win_chocolatey_source: name: ChocolateyInternal state: present source: {{ nuget_repository_url }} # source_username: {{ nuget_repository_username }} # source_password: {{ nuget_repository_password }} priority: 1### b. Keep Chocolatey Up To Date ####### Keep chocolatey up to date based on your internal source#### You control the upgrades based on when you push an updated version#### to your internal repository.#### Note the source here is to the OData feed, similar to what you see#### when you browse to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/ - name: Upgrade Chocolatey win_chocolatey: name: chocolatey state: latest## 5. ENSURE CHOCOLATEY FOR BUSINESS ##### If you don't have Chocolatey for Business (C4B), you'll want to remove from here down.### a. Ensure The License File Is Installed ####### Create a license package using script from https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/how-tos/setup-offline-installation#exercise-4-create-a-package-for-the-license - name: Install Chocolatey License win_chocolatey: name: chocolatey-license source: ChocolateyInternal state: latest### b. Disable The Licensed Source ####### The licensed source cannot be removed, so it must be disabled.#### This must occur after the license has been set by the license package. - name: Disable Chocolatey Community Repository win_chocolatey_source: name: chocolatey.licensed state: disabled### c. Ensure Chocolatey Licensed Extension ####### You will have downloaded the licensed extension to your internal repository#### as you have disabled the licensed repository in step 5b.#### Ensure the chocolatey.extension package (aka Chocolatey Licensed Extension) - name: Install Chocolatey Extension win_chocolatey: name: chocolatey.extension source: ChocolateyInternal state: latest#### The Chocolatey Licensed Extension unlocks all of the following, which also have configuration/feature items available with them. You may want to visit the feature pages to see what you might want to also enable:#### - Package Builder - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-builder#### - Package Internalizer - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-internalizer#### - Package Synchronization (3 components) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-synchronization#### - Package Reducer - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-reducer#### - Package Audit - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-audit#### - Package Throttle - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-throttle#### - CDN Cache Access - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/private-cdn#### - Branding - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/branding#### - Self-Service Anywhere (more components will need to be installed and additional configuration will need to be set) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/self-service-anywhere#### - Chocolatey Central Management (more components will need to be installed and additional configuration will need to be set) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/chocolatey-central-management#### - Other - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/### d. Ensure Self-Service Anywhere ####### If you have desktop clients where users are not administrators, you may#### to take advantage of deploying and configuring Self-Service anywhere - name: Hide not-elevated warnings win_chocolatey_feature: name: showNonElevatedWarnings state: disabled - name: Use background mode for self-service win_chocolatey_feature: name: useBackgroundService state: enabled - name: Use background service for non-admins win_chocolatey_feature: name: useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnly state: enabled - name: Allow background uninstallation for user installs win_chocolatey_feature: name: allowBackgroundServiceUninstallsFromUserInstallsOnly state: enabled - name: Set allowed background service commands win_chocolatey_config: name: backgroundServiceAllowedCommands state: present value: install,upgrade,uninstall### e. Ensure Chocolatey Central Management ####### If you want to manage and report on endpoints, you can set up and configure### Central Management. There are multiple portions to manage, so you'll see### a section on agents here along with notes on how to configure the server### side components. - name: Install Chocolatey Agent when: chocolatey_central_management_url is defined win_chocolatey: name: chocolatey-agent source: ChocolateyInternal state: latest - name: Set the Central Management Service URL when: chocolatey_central_management_url is defined win_chocolatey_config: name: CentralManagementServiceUrl state: present value: {{ chocolatey_central_management_url }} - name: Set the Central Management Client Salt when: chocolatey_central_management_client_salt is defined win_chocolatey_config: name: centralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword state: present value: {{ chocolatey_central_management_client_salt }} - name: Set the Central Management Service Salt when: chocolatey_central_management_service_salt is defined win_chocolatey_config: name: centralManagementServiceCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword state: present value: {{ chocolatey_central_management_service_salt }} - name: Use Central Management when: chocolatey_central_management_url is defined win_chocolatey_feature: name: useChocolateyCentralManagement state: enabled - name: Use Central Management Deployments when: chocolatey_central_management_url is defined win_chocolatey_feature: name: useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments state: enabled

See docs at https://docs.chef.io/resource_chocolatey_package.html.

If Applicable - Chocolatey Configuration/Installation

## 1. REQUIREMENTS ##### Here are the requirements necessary to ensure this is successful.### a. Internal/Private Cloud Repository Set Up ####### You'll need an internal/private cloud repository you can use. These are#### generally really quick to set up and there are quite a few options.#### Chocolatey Software recommends Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or ProGet as they#### are repository servers and will give you the ability to manage multiple#### repositories and types from one server installation.### b. Download Chocolatey Package and Put on Internal Repository ####### You need to have downloaded the Chocolatey package as well.#### Please see https://chocolatey.org/install#organization### c. Other Requirements ####### The Chocolatey resources are available with any recent version of Chef.#### We utilise the Chocolatey recipe to install the Chocolatey binaries.include_recipe "chocolatey"## 2. TOP LEVEL VARIABLES ##### a. Your internal repository url (the main one). ####### Should be similar to what you see when you browse#### to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/NugetRepositoryUrl = "INTERNAL REPO URL"### b. Internal Repository Credential ####### If required, add the repository access credential here# NugetRepositoryUsername = "username"# NugetRepositoryPassword = "password"### c. Chocolatey nupkg download url ####### This url should result in an immediate download when you navigate to it in#### a web browserChocolateyNupkgUrl = "INTERNAL REPO URL/package/chocolatey.2.2.2.nupkg",### d. Chocolatey Central Management (CCM) ####### If using CCM to manage Chocolatey, add the following:#### i. Endpoint URL for CCM# ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl = "https://chocolatey-central-management:24020/ChocolateyManagementService"#### ii. If using a Client Salt, add it here# ChocolateyCentralManagementClientSalt = "clientsalt"#### iii. If using a Service Salt, add it here# ChocolateyCentralManagementServiceSalt = "servicesalt"## 3. ENSURE CHOCOLATEY IS INSTALLED ##### Ensure Chocolatey is installed from your internal repositorynode['chocolatey']['install vars'] = { 'chocolateyDownloadUrl' => "#{ChocolateyNupkgUrl}",}## 4. CONFIGURE CHOCOLATEY BASELINE ##### a. FIPS Feature ####### If you need FIPS compliance - make this the first thing you configure#### before you do any additional configuration or package installations# chocolatey_feature 'useFipsCompliantChecksums' do# action :enable# end### b. Apply Recommended Configuration ####### Move cache location so Chocolatey is very deterministic about#### cleaning up temporary data and the location is secured to adminschocolatey_config 'cacheLocation' do value 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\cache'end#### Increase timeout to at least 4 hourschocolatey_config 'commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds' do value '14400'end#### Turn off download progress when running choco through integrationschocolatey_feature 'showDownloadProgress' do action :disableend### c. Sources ####### Remove the default community package repository sourcechocolatey_source 'chocolatey' do action :removeend#### Add internal default sources#### You could have multiple sources here, so we will provide an example#### of one using the remote repo variable here#### NOTE: This EXAMPLE may require changeschocolatey_source 'ChocolateyInternal' do source "#{NugetRepositoryUrl}" priority 1 action :addendexecute 'ChocolateyInternal' do command "choco source add --name ChocolateyInternal -s #{NugetRepositoryUrl} -u=#{NugetRepositoryUsername} -p=#{NugetRepositoryPassword} --priority=1" only_if { NugetRepositoryUsername != nil || NugetRepositoryPassword != nil }end### b. Keep Chocolatey Up To Date ####### Keep chocolatey up to date based on your internal source#### You control the upgrades based on when you push an updated version#### to your internal repository.#### Note the source here is to the OData feed, similar to what you see#### when you browse to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/chocolatey_package 'chocolatey' do action :upgrade source "#{NugetRepositoryUrl}"end## 5. ENSURE CHOCOLATEY FOR BUSINESS ##### If you don't have Chocolatey for Business (C4B), you'll want to remove from here down.### a. Ensure The License File Is Installed ####### Create a license package using script from https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/how-tos/setup-offline-installation#exercise-4-create-a-package-for-the-licensechocolatey_package 'chocolatey-license' do action :install source "#{NugetRepositoryUrl}"end### b. Disable The Licensed Source ####### The licensed source cannot be removed, so it must be disabled.#### This must occur after the license has been set by the license package.chocolatey_source 'chocolatey.licensed' do action :disableend### c. Ensure Chocolatey Licensed Extension ####### You will have downloaded the licensed extension to your internal repository#### as you have disabled the licensed repository in step 5b.#### Ensure the chocolatey.extension package (aka Chocolatey Licensed Extension)chocolatey_package 'chocolatey.extention' do action install source "#{NugetRepositoryUrl}"end#### The Chocolatey Licensed Extension unlocks all of the following, which also have configuration/feature items available with them. You may want to visit the feature pages to see what you might want to also enable:#### - Package Builder - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-builder#### - Package Internalizer - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-internalizer#### - Package Synchronization (3 components) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-synchronization#### - Package Reducer - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-reducer#### - Package Audit - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-audit#### - Package Throttle - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-throttle#### - CDN Cache Access - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/private-cdn#### - Branding - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/branding#### - Self-Service Anywhere (more components will need to be installed and additional configuration will need to be set) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/self-service-anywhere#### - Chocolatey Central Management (more components will need to be installed and additional configuration will need to be set) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/chocolatey-central-management#### - Other - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/### d. Ensure Self-Service Anywhere ####### If you have desktop clients where users are not administrators, you may#### to take advantage of deploying and configuring Self-Service anywherechocolatey_feature 'showNonElevatedWarnings' do action :disableendchocolatey_feature 'useBackgroundService' do action :enableendchocolatey_feature 'useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnly' do action :enableendchocolatey_feature 'allowBackgroundServiceUninstallsFromUserInstallsOnly' do action :enableendchocolatey_config 'backgroundServiceAllowedCommands' do value 'install,upgrade,uninstall'end### e. Ensure Chocolatey Central Management ####### If you want to manage and report on endpoints, you can set up and configure### Central Management. There are multiple portions to manage, so you'll see### a section on agents here along with notes on how to configure the server### side components.chocolatey_package 'chocolatey-agent' do action install source "#{NugetRepositoryUrl}" # user "#{NugetRepositoryUsername}" # password "#{NugetRepositoryPassword}" only_if { ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl != nil }endchocolatey_config 'CentralManagementServiceUrl' do value "#{ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl}" only_if { ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl != nil }endchocolatey_config 'centralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword' do value "#{ChocolateyCentralManagementClientSalt}" only_if { ChocolateyCentralManagementClientSalt != nil }endchocolatey_config 'centralManagementServiceCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword' do value "#{ChocolateyCentralManagementServiceSalt}" only_if { ChocolateyCentralManagementServiceSalt != nil }endchocolatey_feature 'useChocolateyCentralManagement' do action :enable only_if { ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl != nil }endchocolatey_feature 'useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments' do action :enable only_if { ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl != nil }end

Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at https://github.com/chocolatey/cChoco.

If Applicable - Chocolatey Configuration/Installation

#requires -Modules cChoco## 1. REQUIREMENTS ##### Here are the requirements necessary to ensure this is successful.### a. Internal/Private Cloud Repository Set Up ####### You'll need an internal/private cloud repository you can use. These are#### generally really quick to set up and there are quite a few options.#### Chocolatey Software recommends Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or ProGet as they#### are repository servers and will give you the ability to manage multiple#### repositories and types from one server installation.### b. Download Chocolatey Package and Put on Internal Repository ####### You need to have downloaded the Chocolatey package as well.#### Please see https://chocolatey.org/install#organization### c. Other Requirements ####### i. Requires chocolatey\cChoco DSC module to be installed on the machine compiling the DSC manifest#### NOTE: This will need to be installed before running the DSC portion of this scriptif (-not (Get-Module cChoco -ListAvailable)) { $null = Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force if (($PSGallery = Get-PSRepository -Name PSGallery).InstallationPolicy -ne "Trusted") { Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted } Install-Module -Name cChoco if ($PSGallery.InstallationPolicy -ne "Trusted") { Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy $PSGallery.InstallationPolicy }}#### ii. Requires a hosted copy of the install.ps1 script##### This should be available to download without authentication.##### The original script can be found here: https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1Configuration ChocolateyConfig {## 2. TOP LEVEL VARIABLES ## param(### a. Your internal repository url (the main one). ####### Should be similar to what you see when you browse#### to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/ $NugetRepositoryUrl = "INTERNAL REPO URL",### b. Chocolatey nupkg download url ####### This url should result in an immediate download when you navigate to it in#### a web browser $ChocolateyNupkgUrl = "INTERNAL REPO URL/package/chocolatey.2.2.2.nupkg",### c. Internal Repository Credential ####### If required, add the repository access credential here# $NugetRepositoryCredential = [PSCredential]::new(# "username",# ("password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)# ),### d. Install.ps1 URL#### The path to the hosted install script: $ChocolateyInstallPs1Url = "https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1"### e. Chocolatey Central Management (CCM) ####### If using CCM to manage Chocolatey, add the following:#### i. Endpoint URL for CCM# $ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl = "https://chocolatey-central-management:24020/ChocolateyManagementService",#### ii. If using a Client Salt, add it here# $ChocolateyCentralManagementClientSalt = "clientsalt",#### iii. If using a Service Salt, add it here# $ChocolateyCentralManagementServiceSalt = "servicesalt" ) Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration Import-DscResource -ModuleName cChoco Node 'localhost' {## 3. ENSURE CHOCOLATEY IS INSTALLED ##### Ensure Chocolatey is installed from your internal repository Environment chocoDownloadUrl { Name = "chocolateyDownloadUrl" Value = $ChocolateyNupkgUrl } cChocoInstaller installChocolatey { DependsOn = "[Environment]chocoDownloadUrl" InstallDir = Join-Path $env:ProgramData "chocolatey" ChocoInstallScriptUrl = $ChocolateyInstallPs1Url }## 4. CONFIGURE CHOCOLATEY BASELINE ##### a. FIPS Feature ####### If you need FIPS compliance - make this the first thing you configure#### before you do any additional configuration or package installations# cChocoFeature featureFipsCompliance {# FeatureName = "useFipsCompliantChecksums"# }### b. Apply Recommended Configuration ####### Move cache location so Chocolatey is very deterministic about#### cleaning up temporary data and the location is secured to admins cChocoConfig cacheLocation { DependsOn = "[cChocoInstaller]installChocolatey" ConfigName = "cacheLocation" Value = "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\cache" }#### Increase timeout to at least 4 hours cChocoConfig commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds { DependsOn = "[cChocoInstaller]installChocolatey" ConfigName = "commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds" Value = 14400 }#### Turn off download progress when running choco through integrations cChocoFeature showDownloadProgress { DependsOn = "[cChocoInstaller]installChocolatey" FeatureName = "showDownloadProgress" Ensure = "Absent" }### c. Sources ####### Remove the default community package repository source cChocoSource removeCommunityRepository { DependsOn = "[cChocoInstaller]installChocolatey" Name = "chocolatey" Ensure = "Absent" }#### Add internal default sources#### You could have multiple sources here, so we will provide an example#### of one using the remote repo variable here.#### NOTE: This EXAMPLE may require changes cChocoSource addInternalSource { DependsOn = "[cChocoInstaller]installChocolatey" Name = "ChocolateyInternal" Source = $NugetRepositoryUrl Credentials = $NugetRepositoryCredential Priority = 1 }### b. Keep Chocolatey Up To Date ####### Keep chocolatey up to date based on your internal source#### You control the upgrades based on when you push an updated version#### to your internal repository.#### Note the source here is to the OData feed, similar to what you see#### when you browse to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/ cChocoPackageInstaller updateChocolatey { DependsOn = "[cChocoSource]addInternalSource", "[cChocoSource]removeCommunityRepository" Name = "chocolatey" AutoUpgrade = $true }## 5. ENSURE CHOCOLATEY FOR BUSINESS ##### If you don't have Chocolatey for Business (C4B), you'll want to remove from here down.### a. Ensure The License File Is Installed ####### Create a license package using script from https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/how-tos/setup-offline-installation#exercise-4-create-a-package-for-the-license cChocoPackageInstaller chocolateyLicense { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]updateChocolatey" Name = "chocolatey-license" }### b. Disable The Licensed Source ####### The licensed source cannot be removed, so it must be disabled.#### This must occur after the license has been set by the license package. Script disableLicensedSource { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]chocolateyLicense" GetScript = { $Source = choco source list --limitoutput | ` ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter '|' -Header Name, Source, Disabled | ` Where-Object Name -eq "chocolatey.licensed" return @{ Result = if ($Source) { [bool]::Parse($Source.Disabled) } else { Write-Warning "Source 'chocolatey.licensed' was not present." $true # Source does not need disabling } } } SetScript = { $null = choco source disable --name "chocolatey.licensed" } TestScript = { $State = [ScriptBlock]::Create($GetScript).Invoke() return $State.Result } }### c. Ensure Chocolatey Licensed Extension ####### You will have downloaded the licensed extension to your internal repository#### as you have disabled the licensed repository in step 5b.#### Ensure the chocolatey.extension package (aka Chocolatey Licensed Extension) cChocoPackageInstaller chocolateyLicensedExtension { DependsOn = "[Script]disableLicensedSource" Name = "chocolatey.extension" }#### The Chocolatey Licensed Extension unlocks all of the following, which also have configuration/feature items available with them. You may want to visit the feature pages to see what you might want to also enable:#### - Package Builder - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-builder#### - Package Internalizer - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-internalizer#### - Package Synchronization (3 components) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-synchronization#### - Package Reducer - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-reducer#### - Package Audit - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-audit#### - Package Throttle - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-throttle#### - CDN Cache Access - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/private-cdn#### - Branding - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/branding#### - Self-Service Anywhere (more components will need to be installed and additional configuration will need to be set) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/self-service-anywhere#### - Chocolatey Central Management (more components will need to be installed and additional configuration will need to be set) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/chocolatey-central-management#### - Other - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/### d. Ensure Self-Service Anywhere ####### If you have desktop clients where users are not administrators, you may#### to take advantage of deploying and configuring Self-Service anywhere cChocoFeature hideElevatedWarnings { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]chocolateyLicensedExtension" FeatureName = "showNonElevatedWarnings" Ensure = "Absent" } cChocoFeature useBackgroundService { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]chocolateyLicensedExtension" FeatureName = "useBackgroundService" Ensure = "Present" } cChocoFeature useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdmins { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]chocolateyLicensedExtension" FeatureName = "useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnly" Ensure = "Present" } cChocoFeature useBackgroundServiceUninstallsForUserInstalls { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]chocolateyLicensedExtension" FeatureName = "allowBackgroundServiceUninstallsFromUserInstallsOnly" Ensure = "Present" } cChocoConfig allowedBackgroundServiceCommands { DependsOn = "[cChocoFeature]useBackgroundService" ConfigName = "backgroundServiceAllowedCommands" Value = "install,upgrade,uninstall" }### e. Ensure Chocolatey Central Management ####### If you want to manage and report on endpoints, you can set up and configure### Central Management. There are multiple portions to manage, so you'll see### a section on agents here along with notes on how to configure the server### side components. if ($ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl) { cChocoPackageInstaller chocolateyAgent { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]chocolateyLicensedExtension" Name = "chocolatey-agent" } cChocoConfig centralManagementServiceUrl { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]chocolateyAgent" ConfigName = "CentralManagementServiceUrl" Value = $ChocolateyCentralManagementUrl } if ($ChocolateyCentralManagementClientSalt) { cChocoConfig centralManagementClientSalt { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]chocolateyAgent" ConfigName = "centralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword" Value = $ChocolateyCentralManagementClientSalt } } if ($ChocolateyCentralManagementServiceSalt) { cChocoConfig centralManagementServiceSalt { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]chocolateyAgent" ConfigName = "centralManagementServiceCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword" Value = $ChocolateyCentralManagementServiceSalt } } cChocoFeature useCentralManagement { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]chocolateyAgent" FeatureName = "useChocolateyCentralManagement" Ensure = "Present" } cChocoFeature useCentralManagementDeployments { DependsOn = "[cChocoPackageInstaller]chocolateyAgent" FeatureName = "useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments" Ensure = "Present" } } }}# If working this into an existing configuration with a good method for$ConfigData = @{ AllNodes = @( @{ NodeName = "localhost" PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true } )}try { Push-Location $env:Temp $Config = ChocolateyConfig -ConfigurationData $ConfigData Start-DscConfiguration -Path $Config.PSParentPath -Wait -Verbose -Force} finally { Pop-Location}

Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/chocolatey.

If Applicable - Chocolatey Configuration/Installation

## 1. REQUIREMENTS ##### Here are the requirements necessary to ensure this is successful.### a. Internal/Private Cloud Repository Set Up ####### You'll need an internal/private cloud repository you can use. These are#### generally really quick to set up and there are quite a few options.#### Chocolatey Software recommends Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or ProGet as they#### are repository servers and will give you the ability to manage multiple#### repositories and types from one server installation.### b. Download Chocolatey Package and Put on Internal Repository ####### You need to have downloaded the Chocolatey package as well.#### Please see https://chocolatey.org/install#organization### c. Other Requirements ####### i. Requires puppetlabs/chocolatey module#### See https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/chocolatey## 2. TOP LEVEL VARIABLES ##### a. Your internal repository url (the main one). ####### Should be similar to what you see when you browse#### to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/$_repository_url = 'INTERNAL REPO URL'### b. Chocolatey nupkg download url ####### This url should result in an immediate download when you navigate to it in#### a web browser$_choco_download_url = 'INTERNAL REPO URL/package/chocolatey.2.2.2.nupkg'### c. Chocolatey Central Management (CCM) ####### If using CCM to manage Chocolatey, add the following:#### i. Endpoint URL for CCM# $_chocolatey_central_management_url = 'https://chocolatey-central-management:24020/ChocolateyManagementService'#### ii. If using a Client Salt, add it here# $_chocolatey_central_management_client_salt = "clientsalt"#### iii. If using a Service Salt, add it here# $_chocolatey_central_management_service_salt = 'servicesalt'## 3. ENSURE CHOCOLATEY IS INSTALLED ##### Ensure Chocolatey is installed from your internal repository### Note: `chocolatey_download_url is completely different than normal### source locations. This is directly to the bare download url for the### chocolatey.nupkg, similar to what you see when you browse to### https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/package/chocolateyclass {'chocolatey': chocolatey_download_url => $_choco_download_url, use_7zip => false,}## 4. CONFIGURE CHOCOLATEY BASELINE ##### a. FIPS Feature ####### If you need FIPS compliance - make this the first thing you configure#### before you do any additional configuration or package installations#chocolateyfeature {'useFipsCompliantChecksums':# ensure => enabled,#}### b. Apply Recommended Configuration ####### Move cache location so Chocolatey is very deterministic about#### cleaning up temporary data and the location is secured to adminschocolateyconfig {'cacheLocation': value => 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\cache',}#### Increase timeout to at least 4 hourschocolateyconfig {'commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds': value => '14400',}#### Turn off download progress when running choco through integrationschocolateyfeature {'showDownloadProgress': ensure => disabled,}### c. Sources ####### Remove the default community package repository sourcechocolateysource {'chocolatey': ensure => absent, location => 'https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/',}#### Add internal default sources#### You could have multiple sources here, so we will provide an example#### of one using the remote repo variable here#### NOTE: This EXAMPLE requires changeschocolateysource {'internal_chocolatey': ensure => present, location => $_repository_url, priority => 1, username => 'optional', password => 'optional,not ensured', bypass_proxy => true, admin_only => false, allow_self_service => false,}### b. Keep Chocolatey Up To Date ####### Keep chocolatey up to date based on your internal source#### You control the upgrades based on when you push an updated version#### to your internal repository.#### Note the source here is to the OData feed, similar to what you see#### when you browse to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/package {'chocolatey': ensure => latest, provider => chocolatey, source => $_repository_url,}## 5. ENSURE CHOCOLATEY FOR BUSINESS ##### If you don't have Chocolatey for Business (C4B), you'll want to remove from here down.### a. Ensure The License File Is Installed ####### Create a license package using script from https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/guides/organizations/organizational-deployment-guide#exercise-4-create-a-package-for-the-license# TODO: Add resource for installing/ensuring the chocolatey-license packagepackage {'chocolatey-license': ensure => latest, provider => chocolatey, source => $_repository_url,}### b. Disable The Licensed Source ####### The licensed source cannot be removed, so it must be disabled.#### This must occur after the license has been set by the license package.## Disabled sources still need all other attributes until## https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/MODULES-4449 is resolved.## Password is necessary with user, but not ensurable, so it should not## matter what it is set to here. If you ever do get into trouble here,## the password is your license GUID.chocolateysource {'chocolatey.licensed': ensure => disabled, priority => '10', user => 'customer', password => '1234', require => Package['chocolatey-license'],}### c. Ensure Chocolatey Licensed Extension ####### You will have downloaded the licensed extension to your internal repository#### as you have disabled the licensed repository in step 5b.#### Ensure the chocolatey.extension package (aka Chocolatey Licensed Extension)package {'chocolatey.extension': ensure => latest, provider => chocolatey, source => $_repository_url, require => Package['chocolatey-license'],}#### The Chocolatey Licensed Extension unlocks all of the following, which also have configuration/feature items available with them. You may want to visit the feature pages to see what you might want to also enable:#### - Package Builder - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-builder#### - Package Internalizer - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-internalizer#### - Package Synchronization (3 components) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-synchronization#### - Package Reducer - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-reducer#### - Package Audit - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-audit#### - Package Throttle - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/package-throttle#### - CDN Cache Access - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/private-cdn#### - Branding - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/branding#### - Self-Service Anywhere (more components will need to be installed and additional configuration will need to be set) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/self-service-anywhere#### - Chocolatey Central Management (more components will need to be installed and additional configuration will need to be set) - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/chocolatey-central-management#### - Other - https://docs.chocolatey.org/en-us/features/paid/### d. Ensure Self-Service Anywhere ####### If you have desktop clients where users are not administrators, you may#### to take advantage of deploying and configuring Self-Service anywherechocolateyfeature {'showNonElevatedWarnings': ensure => disabled,}chocolateyfeature {'useBackgroundService': ensure => enabled,}chocolateyfeature {'useBackgroundServiceWithNonAdministratorsOnly': ensure => enabled,}chocolateyfeature {'allowBackgroundServiceUninstallsFromUserInstallsOnly': ensure => enabled,}chocolateyconfig {'backgroundServiceAllowedCommands': value => 'install,upgrade,uninstall',}### e. Ensure Chocolatey Central Management ####### If you want to manage and report on endpoints, you can set up and configure### Central Management. There are multiple portions to manage, so you'll see### a section on agents here along with notes on how to configure the server### side components.if $_chocolatey_central_management_url { package {'chocolatey-agent': ensure => latest, provider => chocolatey, source => $_repository_url, require => Package['chocolatey-license'], } chocolateyconfig {'CentralManagementServiceUrl': value => $_chocolatey_central_management_url, } if $_chocolatey_central_management_client_salt { chocolateyconfig {'centralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword': value => $_chocolatey_central_management_client_salt, } } if $_chocolatey_central_management_service_salt { chocolateyconfig {'centralManagementClientCommunicationSaltAdditivePassword': value => $_chocolatey_central_management_client_salt, } } chocolateyfeature {'useChocolateyCentralManagement': ensure => enabled, require => Package['chocolatey-agent'], } chocolateyfeature {'useChocolateyCentralManagementDeployments': ensure => enabled, require => Package['chocolatey-agent'], }}

Need Help? View our docs or file an issue.

There is already a version of this package in your Script Builder

Current Version New Version

Fabric Installer 0.11.2 (6)



Downloads of v 0.11.2:


Last Update:

01 Mar 2023

Package Maintainer(s):

  • Smart123s

Software Author(s):

  • FabricMC


game minecraft mods java

Fabric Installer 0.11.2 (8)

Fabric Installer

This is not the latest version of Fabric Installer available.

1 2 3

0.11.2 | Updated: 01 Mar 2023



Downloads of v 0.11.2:



  • Smart123s

Software Author(s):

  • FabricMC


game minecraft mods java

This is not the latest version of Fabric Installer available.

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

Some Checks Have Failed or Are Not Yet Complete

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Validation Testing Passed

Verification Testing Passed


Scan Testing Resulted in Flagged as a Note:

At least one file within this package has greater than 0 detections, but less than 5


  • Generic
  • Individual
  • Ansible
  • PS DSC

Learn More

Deployment Method: Individual Install, Upgrade, & Uninstall

  • Install
  • Upgrade
  • Uninstall

To install Fabric Installer, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:


To upgrade Fabric Installer, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:


To uninstall Fabric Installer, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:


Deployment Method:


This applies to both open source and commercial editions of Chocolatey.

1. Enter Your Internal Repository Url

(this should look similar to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/)

2. Setup Your Environment

1. Ensure you are set for organizational deployment

Please see the organizational deployment guide

2. Get the package into your environment

Option 1: Cached Package (Unreliable, Requires Internet - Same As Community)

  • Open Source or Commercial:
    • Proxy Repository - Create a proxy nuget repository on Nexus, Artifactory Pro, or a proxy Chocolatey repository on ProGet. Point your upstream to https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/. Packages cache on first access automatically. Make sure your choco clients are using your proxy repository as a source and NOT the default community repository. See source command for more information.
    • You can also just download the package and push it to a repository Download

Option 2: Internalized Package (Reliable, Scalable)

  • Open Source
    • Download the package:

    • Follow manual internalization instructions
  • Package Internalizer (C4B)
    • Run: (additional options)
      choco download fabric-installer --internalize --version=0.11.2 --source=https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/
    • For package and dependencies run:
      choco push --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'"
    • Automate package internalization

3. Copy Your Script

choco upgrade fabric-installer -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" --version="'0.11.2'" [other options]

See options you can pass to upgrade.

See best practices for scripting.

Add this to a PowerShell script or use a Batch script with tools and in places where you are calling directly to Chocolatey. If you are integrating, keep in mind enhanced exit codes.

If you do use a PowerShell script, use the following to ensure bad exit codes are shown as failures:

choco upgrade fabric-installer -y --source="'INTERNAL REPO URL'" --version="'0.11.2'" $exitCode = $LASTEXITCODEWrite-Verbose "Exit code was $exitCode"$validExitCodes = @(0, 1605, 1614, 1641, 3010)if ($validExitCodes -contains $exitCode) { Exit 0}Exit $exitCode
- name: Install fabric-installer win_chocolatey: name: fabric-installer version: '0.11.2' source: INTERNAL REPO URL state: present

See docs at https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/win_chocolatey_module.html.

chocolatey_package 'fabric-installer' do action :install source 'INTERNAL REPO URL' version '0.11.2'end

See docs at https://docs.chef.io/resource_chocolatey_package.html.

cChocoPackageInstaller fabric-installer{ Name = "fabric-installer" Version = "0.11.2" Source = "INTERNAL REPO URL"}

Requires cChoco DSC Resource. See docs at https://github.com/chocolatey/cChoco.

package { 'fabric-installer': ensure => '0.11.2', provider => 'chocolatey', source => 'INTERNAL REPO URL',}

Requires Puppet Chocolatey Provider module. See docs at https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/chocolatey.

4. If applicable - Chocolatey configuration/installation

See infrastructure management matrix for Chocolatey configuration elements and examples.

Package Approved

This package was approved by moderator Windos on 14 Mar 2023.


Fabric is a lightweight, experimental modding toolchain for Minecraft.

Java version

The Fabric installer can be run with Java 8, so that is the minimum version of the java-runtime dependency of this package. However, if you want to play Minecraft 1.17 or higher, you'll need to install a newer version of Java. For more information, check https://fabricmc.net/wiki/player:tutorials:java:windows. You can also install newer versions of Java via Chocolaety.

Package Parameters:

  • /NoDesktopShortcut Do not create Desktop Shortcut
  • /NoStartMenuShortcut Do not create Start Menu Shortcut

Package updates

New versions of this package are published automatically via the update.ps1 script (viewable in the package source on GitHub).



$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';$PackageParameters = Get-PackageParameters$toolsDir ="$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"$targetPath = Join-Path "$toolsDir" "fabric-installer.exe"# Add StartMenu shortcutIf (-Not( $PackageParameters.NoStartMenuShortcut )) { $programsPath = "$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Fabric Installer.lnk" Install-ChocolateyShortcut -shortcutFilePath "$programsPath" -targetPath "$targetPath"}# Add Desktop shortcutIf (-Not( $PackageParameters.NoDesktopShortcut )) { $programsPath = "$Env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\Fabric Installer.lnk" Install-ChocolateyShortcut -shortcutFilePath "$programsPath" -targetPath "$targetPath"}


$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';# Remove start menu shortcut$programsPath = "$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Fabric Installer.lnk"if (Test-Path "$programsPath") { Remove-Item "$programsPath" }# Remove desktop icon$shortcutFilePath = "$Env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\Fabric Installer.lnk"if (Test-Path "$shortcutFilePath") { Remove-Item "$shortcutFilePath" }


md5: 0604FD84EDC6059D39A631EB0CE5A546 | sha1: 9ECD7D7DF70A25D5BA0FF81E7AD6B59280F71BB6 | sha256: 3C1029D521BA448C4150D58BD75FD1646F54D72D95D0F91F5DD60656F55EFF9A | sha512: 68E727EA4515AC385E4D757A5E6CFF3005CCF50B54E7B5EE1BBB100F18AFC09CD814138D31B9E4237A3170BBB3E4A9554E1B4294EC866CD6F63B6E461DA8DB09


 Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "{}" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright {yyyy} {name of copyright owner} Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


VERIFICATIONVerification is intended to assist the Chocolatey moderators and communityin verifying that this package's contents are trustworthy.fabric-installer.exe:Download: https://maven.fabricmc.net/net/fabricmc/fabric-installer/0.11.2/fabric-installer-0.11.2.exesha256: 3C1029D521BA448C4150D58BD75FD1646F54D72D95D0F91F5DD60656F55EFF9A

Virus Scan Results

Log in or click on link to see number of positives.

In cases where actual malware is found, the packages are subject to removal. Software sometimes has false positives. Moderators do not necessarily validate the safety of the underlying software, only that a package retrieves software from the official distribution point and/or validate embedded software against official distribution point (where distribution rights allow redistribution).

Chocolatey Pro provides runtime protection from possible malware.

Version History

Add to Builder Version Downloads Last Updated Status
Fabric Installer 1.0.0 40 Saturday, December 30, 2023 Approved
Fabric Installer 0.11.2 101 Wednesday, March 1, 2023 Approved
Fabric Installer 0.11.1 71 Saturday, August 27, 2022 Approved
Fabric Installer 0.11.0 80 Thursday, May 26, 2022 Approved
Fabric Installer 0.10.2 84 Saturday, February 26, 2022 Approved


Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 FabricMC


    • javaruntime (≥ 8.0)

Discussion for the Fabric Installer Package

Ground Rules:

  • This discussion is only about Fabric Installer and the Fabric Installer package. If you have feedback for Chocolatey, please contact the Google Group.
  • This discussion will carry over multiple versions. If you have a comment about a particular version, please note that in your comments.
  • The maintainers of this Chocolatey Package will be notified about new comments that are posted to this Disqus thread, however, it is NOT a guarantee that you will get a response. If you do not hear back from the maintainers after posting a message below, please follow up by using the link on the left side of this page or follow this link to contact maintainers. If you still hear nothing back, please follow the package triage process.
  • Tell us what you love about the package or Fabric Installer, or tell us what needs improvement.
  • Share your experiences with the package, or extra configuration or gotchas that you've found.
  • If you use a url, the comment will be flagged for moderation until you've been whitelisted. Disqus moderated comments are approved on a weekly schedule if not sooner. It could take between 1-5 days for your comment to show up.

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Fabric Installer 0.11.2 (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.